Our blogs

July 12, 2022
متى تمت أول حالة زراعة أسنان في أي عام؟

When was the first case of dental implants in any year?

The first case of dental implants is one of the important topics that every person interested in dental implants should read and take good care of. […]
July 12, 2022
تعرف معنا على من هو مؤسس زراعة الأسنان في إيران

Get to know with us who is the founder of dental implants in Iran

The founder of dental implants in Iran is one of the important topics that every person intending to implant or interested in reading the details of […]
July 12, 2022
برأيك ما هو سبب فشل بعض عمليات زراعة الأسنان؟

What do you think is the reason for the failure of some dental implants?

The failure of some dental implants is one of the important topics that every person coming to dental implants should know well. Failure of some dental […]
July 13, 2022
ما هي أهم وأبرز مكونات فم الإنسان؟

What are the most important and most prominent components of the human mouth?

The components of the human mouth It is one of the important topics that every person interested in learning about the most important parts of his […]
July 13, 2022
تعرف على تقنية السفير لزراعة الشعر من أهم تقنيات الزراعة الحديثة

Learn about the Sapphire technique for hair transplantation, one of the most important techniques of modern agriculture

The Sapphire technique for hair transplantation is one of the important topics that everyone who is looking for an excellent technique for hair transplantation should be […]
July 13, 2022
تعرف معنا على أهم مكونات شعر الإنسان

Learn with us about the most important components of human hair

Human Hair Components It is one of the important topics that every person should follow up and carefully consider, as it relates to an important part […]
July 15, 2022
هل من الممكن زراعة الشعر دون حلاقة وما إيجابيات وسلبيات هذه الطريقة؟

Is it possible to transplant hair without shaving and what are the pros and cons of this method?

Hair transplantation without shaving is one of the important topics that every person should take into account and learn about it, especially for those wishing to […]
July 15, 2022
هل سألت نفسك يوما كم عدد شعر رأس الإنسان؟

Have you ever asked yourself how many hairs on a human head?

How many hairs on a human head is one of the most important questions that every person should know the answer to, as it is related […]
July 15, 2022
ما هي مميزات تقنية السفير لزراعة الشعر؟

What are the advantages of the Ambassador technique for hair transplantation?

The advantages of the ambassador technique for hair transplantation It is one of the important topics that every person who is about to apply the ambassador […]
July 16, 2022
تعرف معنا على أهم وأبرز مزايا استخدام خيط الأسنان

Learn about the most important and most prominent advantages of using dental floss

The advantages of using dental floss It is one of the important topics that every person who cares about the cleanliness and beauty of his teeth […]
July 16, 2022
تعلم معنا كيفية استعمال خيط الأسنان بالطريقة الصحيحة

Learn with us how to use dental floss the right way

Using dental floss in the right way is one of the important topics that every person who cares about the cleanliness and health of his teeth […]
July 16, 2022
تعرف معنا على الفرق بين خيط الأسنان المائي والعادي

Learn the difference between watery and regular dental floss

The difference between water and regular dental floss It is an important topic related to dental health and safety, especially dental care and hygiene. Difference between […]