Our blogs

June 3, 2022
ما هي الشروط اللازمة لعملية زراعة الشعر لضمان نجاح العملية؟

What are the conditions necessary for a hair transplant to ensure the success of the operation?

The conditions necessary for the hair transplant process are among the important topics that each person should know and study closely, as they are specifically related […]
June 3, 2022
تعرف معنا على أهم موانع عملية زراعة الشعر

Learn about the most important contraindications to hair transplant

Contraindications to the hair transplant operation are considered one of the important issues that the patient must be aware of before performing the transplantation process, because […]
June 3, 2022
هل تعلم ما هي أبرز معيقات عملية زراعة الشعر للنساء؟

Do you know what are the main obstacles to hair transplantation for women?

Obstacles to hair transplantation for women are an important issue for many women who suffer from hair loss and want to resort to plastic surgery through […]
June 4, 2022
تعرف على مشكلة الصلع الوراثي وأهم المعلومات عن زراعة الشعر

Learn about the problem of genetic baldness and the most important information about hair transplantation

The problem of genetic baldness is one of the important topics that every person suffering from the problem of baldness caused by genetic factors, and there […]
June 4, 2022
كيفية إجراء عملية زراعة الشعر وأهم المعلومات عن العملية

How to perform a hair transplant and the most important information about the process

How to perform a hair transplant is one of the important topics that every person who is about to undergo a hair transplant operation must know […]
June 4, 2022
الإجراءات الضرورية أثناء عملية زراعة الشعر لا بد من الطبيب القيام بها

The necessary procedures during the hair transplantation process must be done by the doctor

The necessary procedures during the hair transplant process are among the important topics that every hair transplant doctor must take into account and implement them for […]
June 5, 2022
تعرف على أبرز مميزات زراعة الشعر ومن المرشحون لهذه العملية

Learn about the most prominent advantages of hair transplantation and who are the candidates for this process

The advantages of hair transplantation are one of the important topics that every person who intends to transplant must know and see closely to ensure the […]
June 5, 2022
تعرف على تكلفة عملية زراعة الشعر وهل مرتفعة الثمن أم لا؟

Know the cost of hair transplantation and is it expensive or not?

The cost of hair transplantation is one of the important issues that all people who are coming to a new life in which they enjoy new […]
June 5, 2022
ما هي مراحل نمو الشعر بعد عملية الزراعة وما هي طريقة غسله؟

What are the stages of hair growth after the transplant process and what is the method of washing it?

The stages of hair growth after the transplantation process is an important topic for many people who are going to the hair transplant process, and they […]
June 6, 2022
ما هي أسباب مرض الثعلبة وما المقصود بهذا المرض؟

What are the causes of alopecia and what is meant by this disease?

The causes of alopecia areata is one of the important topics that every person suffering from this disease must read carefully and take into account. What […]
June 6, 2022
ما هي أساليب استبدال الشعر وما هي مدة علاج الشعر؟

Important instructions after hair transplantation that you must follow

Important instructions after hair transplantation It is one of the important topics that every person who has undergone hair transplantation must pay close attention to and […]
June 6, 2022
ما هي أساليب استبدال الشعر وما هي مدة علاج الشعر؟

What are hair replacement methods and what is the duration of hair treatment?

Hair replacement methods are one of the important topics that every person wishing to undergo hair transplantation, and get rid of the problems of baldness and […]