Our blogs

July 22, 2022
ما هي أهم وأبرز عيوب الزيركون بالرغم من مزاياه الكثيرة؟

What are the main disadvantages of zirconium despite its many advantages?

Disadvantages of zircon It is one of the important issues associated with the field of dentistry, as zircon is a material used in many areas related […]
July 22, 2022
تعرف على أهم المعلومات المتعلقة بطقم أسنان الزيركون

Learn the most important information about zirconium dentures

Zircon Dentures It is one of the important topics that every person should know, who want to install high-quality and excellent dentures. Zircon Dentures Zircon dentures […]
July 22, 2022
ما هي أهم وأبرز استعمالات الزيركون في طب الأسنان؟

What are the most important and prominent uses of zircon in dentistry?

Uses of zirconium in dentistry It is one of the important topics that every person interested in the field of dentistry and the types of dental […]
July 23, 2022
ما هي أهم وأبرز الفروقات بين تركيب الأسنان وزراعة الأسنان؟

What are the most important and prominent differences between dental implants and dental implants?

The differences between dental implants and dental implants are important issues that every person should consider and learn about, especially the person interested in dentistry. Differences […]
July 23, 2022
ما هي أهم وأبرز أضرار تلبيس الأسنان؟

What are the most important and most prominent damage to dental crowns?

Damages of dental veneers It is one of the important issues that every person who wants to have dental veneer should take into account and take […]
July 23, 2022
تعرف معنا على كيفية تركيب الأسنان الثابتة وطرق العناية بها؟

Learn with us how to install fixed teeth and ways to take care of them?

The installation of fixed teeth is one of the important issues that every person should take care of, especially the person who intends to resort to […]
July 24, 2022
ماذا تعرف عن بيولوجيا الأسنان؟

What do you know about dental biology?

Dental biology It is one of the general topics that every person interested in the field of dentistry, or interested in learning about teeth and their […]
July 24, 2022
هل تعلم ما هي أهم وأبرز آثار الشيخوخة على الفم والأسنان؟

Do you know what are the most important and prominent effects of aging on the mouth and teeth?

The effects of aging on the mouth and teeth It is one of the important topics that every person who cares about the health of his […]
July 24, 2022
ما هي أهم وأبرز أسباب ألم الأسنان؟

What are the most important and most prominent causes of toothache?

Causes of toothache It is one of the important topics that every person should take care of and take into account, especially those who always suffer […]
July 25, 2022
ما هي أهم مضاعفات ألم الأسنان؟

What are the most important complications of toothache?

Toothache complications It is one of the important topics that every person suffering from toothache should take into account and take good care of them. Complications […]
July 25, 2022
ما هي أهم مضاعفات ألم الأسنان؟

What is the treatment of dental pain?

Treatment of dental pain It is one of the important topics that every person suffering from the problem of dental pain must take into account and […]
July 25, 2022
ما هي أهم أسباب رائحة الفم الكريهة وكيف تحدث؟

What are the main causes of bad breath and how does it occur?

The causes of bad breath are considered one of the important topics that every person who cares about the cleanliness of his mouth and teeth, and […]