Causes of hair loss It is one of the important topics that every person should take care of for hair care, health and safety.
Before identifying the causes of hair loss, one of the most common and natural things for hair is its loss and loss from time to time, but in the case of large and excessive hair loss, this is what makes a person suffer from depression, frustration and fear, and some people may resort to To search for all possible ways that help them get rid of this problem, however, it is important to relax and calm before finding any information that contributes to increasing the person’s fear.
There are many of the most prominent causes of hair loss, whether for men or women. For example, women may be exposed to the problem of hair loss as a result of significant changes in hormone levels in the body during pregnancy and childbirth, or when entering menopause, either Men may lose their hair as a result of the presence of genetic factors, and the most important of these reasons are as follows:
This problem is considered one of the most important causes of hair loss, as hair loss sometimes may result from many changes in the secretion of hormones in the body, which are caused by the influence of the thyroid gland. The rate of secretion of hormones increases or decreases, and this is what makes it harmful to the health of hair and works on its loss.
Most of the time, the body’s immune system is exposed to a defect, which affects the hair and damages the hair follicles, infecting the affected areas with hair loss and loss.
It is noticeable that women during pregnancy increase the density and thickness of their hair, due to the high percentage of hormones that protect the health and safety of hair in their bodies, but after childbirth, the hormones return to their normal rate and hair falls out quickly.
A person may be exposed to a lot of infections that affect the scalp, the most important of which is tinea capitis, which affects the hair and scalp, and therefore peeled, hair-free spots appear in the affected area, but if treated, the hair returns to growth again.
In this way, we have provided you with everything you need to know about the causes of hair loss, and if you wish to undergo a hair transplant, we advise you to go to the Right Hair center is one of the best medical centers in Turkey for hair transplantation.