How to know the type of hair It is considered one of the important topics that every person, whether male or female, must know to know what can be used for his hair and what should not be used for it.
How to know the type of hair is that there are many ways for it to know the structure of the hair, and thus identify ways to take care of it, and determining its type does not require much effort, and there are home procedures that you can follow to know the quality of hair, and hair has many Of the types, there are wavy, normal, greasy, mixed, curly and smooth hair, and the knowledge of quality is precisely that the hair is left to become dry in the air after showering, without using any kind of hair care products, and in the event that the hair is completely dry, the hair will take its nature indicative of its type , as the hair is smooth, straight or lightly coiled in the form of waves that take S, or regular circular rings or in the form of the letter Z.
To learn more about the structure of the hair, take a strand of hair from your hair that remains in the comb after combing, and then place it on a flat, smooth surface and then place it next to the thread. Thicker than the thread, the hair will be thicker, and if it is close to the thickness of the thread, your hair will be medium.
To know the degree of hair porosity, take a strand of your hair and place it in a bowl of water.
To know the moisture of the hair, check the hair from the roots on the day following the day of the shower.
In this way, we have provided you with everything you need to know about how to know the type of hair, and if you wish to undergo a hair transplant, we advise you to go to the center Right Hair is one of the best medical centers in Turkey for hair and dental transplantation.