The reasons for the appearance of white hair It is one of the important topics that every person who has white hair in his head must know the factors and reasons leading to this.
Before we get acquainted with the most important reasons for the appearance of white hair, we must be well aware that when a person ages, he must notice that it is normal for his hair to change, turning its color to white or gray. And the melanin pigment is the reason for this change, as the hair follicles contain large amounts of this pigment, which gives the hair its true color, but as a person gets older, the hair follicles lose this pigment, which stops the hair from obtaining its original color, becoming instead of melanin. White blame him.
There are a lot of the most prominent reasons for the appearance of white hair, including the following:
These reasons are considered one of the most important reasons for the appearance of white hair, while a person was exposed to white hair at an early age due to the parents and grandparents who owned this color at an early age, and heredity cannot be controlled, but the color can be changed through dye.
It causes fatigue and exhaustion in lack of sleep, anxiety, changes in the individual’s appetite, high pressure, affecting his hair and causing him to become gray, as well as immune diseases such as vitiligo and alopecia that attack the immune system and damage the hair and remove its pigment, which causes the appearance of white gray hair.
Also, hormonal disorders caused by thyroid problems from hypothyroidism or activity of the thyroid gland cause early white graying, and smoking as well.
There is a strong factor linking vitamin deficiency and the appearance of white gray, as vitamin B16, vitamin D6, vitamin J, vitamin D, and biotin cause a person to experience white gray early, and here is a study conducted in 2016 that was published in the journal International Hair Research, which confirms that the lack of a substance that stores iron in the body, good cholesterol, or vitamin B16 leads to the early appearance of white hair.
In this way, we have provided you with everything you need to know about the reasons for the appearance of white hair, and if you wish to undergo a hair transplant, we advise you to go to the Right Hair is one of the best medical centers in Turkey for hair transplantation.