Using toothpaste to treat burns is one of the important topics that every person should pay attention to and pay attention to because toothpaste is present in every home. Does it have other benefits other than brushing teeth?
Concerning the topic of our article, the use of toothpaste to treat burns, there is a common belief among people that toothpaste contributes to relieving and moisturizing the pain of burns, but in fact, toothpaste is one of the substances that cause damage and increase the problem of burning, so it is not possible to use it to relieve and treat wounds, but its use makes the problem worse.
The reason that toothpaste harms burns is due to the following:
Toothpaste contains chemicals such as bleaches and sharp-burning substances on the skin such as menthol and mint extracts, which increase the risk of burning irritation and darken the skin.
The presence of chemicals in toothpaste can increase the risk of letter infections and the risk of bacterial skin infections.
There are many ways to treat the problem of burns by adopting home recipes as follows:
One of the first ways that contribute to reducing the pain and swelling of burns is to pass the burned part under lukewarm, not cold water for about an hour, or use lukewarm water compresses.
However, be careful not to apply ice directly to burns, as this increases the risk of tissue damage.
After relieving the pain with water, it is better to wipe the burn with an antibacterial substance, and be careful not to scrape the burn or open the bubbles that form in order to prevent the formation of bacterial infections.
If the burns are open, it is better to cover them with medical gauze without any pressure on them if they are wrapped, as the gauze protects the burns from infections and reduces pain.
In this way, we have provided you with everything you need to know about the use of toothpaste to treat burns. Right Hair one of the best medical centers in Turkey for hair and dental transplantation.